Thursday, September 28, 2006

David Sandlin in His Studio (work in progress, 3 &4)

Step 3

I've started working over the transfered chalk lines with dilute burnt umber casein paint and a fine brush. Casein is a relative of egg tempera, but instead of using egg yolk as a binder for the pigment it uses a milk-based glue. You can still see some of the red chalk indications and I have begun to model the figure's forms with washes of casein and hatchwork.

Step 4

Here's the more complete state of the initial underpainting. I try to develop a lot of the detail and values that will guide the color work to follow.

1 comment:

Dennis Harper said...

Thanks, Alex. I've always wanted to look over other artists' shoulders as they work. I've gotten to do a bit of that when I've taught, but that's a whole other situation, really. I'd like to find some other artists doing this kind of "journal" so I can spy on them. If you hear of anything, let me know. Maybe you'll do one?
I guess when I screw up, I'll have to show that, too.