I'm currently exhibiting at the Troy Plunk Gallery at Freed-Hardeman University. Eggs, Milk, Silver, Graphite runs March 10 through April 11, 2011. For more information, go to www.fhu.edu/art or call 731.989.6079.
The subject of this blog is to provide a little inside view to my studio: to follow the progress of an egg tempera painting as it moves from initial sketch to finished painting, to give a look at various projects I'm working on, and to share other visual bloviations that I hope might be interesting.
better link i think
As an encouraging mum, if I can say so myself, I had a nice time recently with my two kids to decorate their room in our new house that we just moved into. There were lots of the children's art work, made at home and school, that we happily put on the wall.
Then we spent time together sitting in front of the iMac and looked through the big collection of digital images that Wahooart had for their customers to select from and have printed as canvas prints. The kids together chose this painting for their room, Ivan Horse by Edmund Dulac, that we ordered online to have delivered to our new house.
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